Monday, May 8

photo story - debbie nash cont.

Mrs. Nash leads the class in a review of the letter sounds they have studied over the past year. At the end of every school year, students are tested by benchmark exams to determine whether or not they can advance to the next grade. Photo by Sydney Davis.

Mrs. Nash helps Alexa and Orlando find the story "Poppleton Everyday." The class read the story aloud together. Photo by Sydney Davis.

Away from the inclusion classroom, Mrs. Nash pulls assignments for the special needs students. The students do the same material as the rest of their classmates, just with more structure and attention. Photo by Sydney Davis.

Luke suffers from autism. Many days, including today, he puts up a fight. If he doesn't want to do it at the moment, he let's his teachers know.

Mrs. Nash helps Luke with his spelling words after he has calmed down. Mrs. Nash has had lots of experience with handling children with special needs. Photo by Sydney Davis.

Each child's progess is documented extensively. These are Jessie's forms for the sixth six-weeks. Photo by Sydney Davis.

After practicing their spelling words, Ray, Mrs. Nash, John and Madison create sentences using the words. Mrs. Nash divides her time between all the students. Photo by Sydney Davis.

After reading "Sarah the Farm Girl," Jessie was to answer compreshension questions. Jessie also suffers from autism and was unwilling to answer the final question. After some talking, Mrs. Nash and Mrs. Burney convinced Jessie to answer the final question before lunch. Photo by Sydney Davis.

Mrs. Nash and Orlando talk in the library before heading back to class. Photo by Sydney Davis.

Mrs. Batson, fellow first-grade teacher, discusses a student with Mrs. Nash. Being the special education advisor for the school, teachers bring students who are stuggling to Mrs. Nash for evaluation to determine if extra help is needed. Photo by Sydney Davis.

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