Monday, February 27

woodlawn, texas

the following photos are of my family's property up in woodlawn, texas. my dad wanted update photos, so here they are.

dad- you can click on the photos to enlarge them. have a good day!

52-acre tract

an overview of the compressor station

the compressor

the pipes for something i guess.

some tank

the sign in front of the tank next to the compressor.

the gages on the compressor. im not sure if you wanted to see them.

the pump jack and tanks from a distance

the compressor from another angle.

big tract

the full creek. on the left as you are walking up.

as you crest the hill, this is your 11 o'clock. the dead trees are way to the right, if they are on this photo. there's a better one below.

when you crest the hill, this is on your 2 o'clock. nothing dead over here.

the baby trees to the immediate right as you crest the hill. nothing dead over here.

right as you crest the hill, this is what you see. the big hill is off to the right. okay, so you really cant see too well, but the dead trees are smack in the middle of the photo, amongst the dead grass.

the trees you see as you are coming down the small hill (on the right when you drive up)

a closer view

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